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Brooke Martin & Kevin Siemers — Minted

Brooke Martin


Kevin Siemers

Brooke Martin and Kevin Siemers

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

Our Story

It all started on a very average day in May of 2020 (as average as a day in 2020 could get) when Brooke was scrolling through Instagram. She clicked on her friend Jen’s (previous guide buddy) story. Her and her husband were climbing with some friends, and she posted a photo of their guy friend wearing funky sunglasses. Having a thing for climbers, and thinking he was cute despite the weird sunglasses on his face, she clicked on his profile. The very first thing Brooke noticed was that he was followed by a member of her favorite band (Zach from Hippo Campus) and she FREAKED out. Thinking- how does this guy know Zach?!

Brooke immediately texted Jen and asked her how her friend Kevin knows Hippo Campus, Jen texted Kevin, and Kevin messaged Brooke on Instagram saying- “are you the Hippo Campus fan Jen messaged me about?!”. As it turns out, Kevin went to middle school with Zach. Kevin and Brooke started messaging fairly frequently over Instagram, which looking back now, is such a surprise that he maintained conversations with her daily knowing how he is with his phone… IYKYK. They always had something to talk about and knew right away that something felt special about each other. After only a few weeks of messaging, Kevin sent Brooke a message saying “you may know this, but I'll be down for any adventures/concerts/climbing if we talk as much as we have been! I really enjoy talking to you... I don’t know about you, but this was a very uncommon situation for me”. Brooke agreed, and in the very least, thought maybe this would be her claim to fame and ticket to being friends with Hippo Campus!

Kevin and Brooke met in person for the first time (which was in fact on June 1, 2020) after a few weeks of messaging when Brooke went down to Cañon City (he lived nearby at the time) to do some raft guiding for a few days. The instant Brooke met him she felt a connection, and noticed his warm and kind presence. They continued to meet up through the summer of 2020 to climb or when Brooke would make a trip down to Cañon City to raft guide. Brooke had promised herself Kevin and her would stay just friends and it wouldn’t turn into anything more (she even started trying to plan out who she knew that she could set him up with). In July of that summer, Brooke and some of her friends met up with Kevin for a weekend climbing/camping trip in Rifle, Colorado. It was on this trip that both of them realized the feelings they had for each other; there was no denying it.

Their first “date” was on July 20, 2020. The two took inflatable kayaks down the Arkansas River through a section Brooke had raft guided many times. They laughed the whole time, learned more about each other, and Brooke made fun of Kevin for not wearing any shoes on their little river trip. Once they returned to their cars at the end of trip, Brooke felt sad that their time had come to end. She wanted to keep hanging out and wasn’t sure when the next time was that she would see Kevin again since she was headed back to Grand Junction the next day. But Kevin so calmly asked her, “want to sit by the river?”. Sitting beside the river they finally opened up about their feelings for each other and talked about where they wanted to take things from there (and kissed a time or two). Kevin was ready to make things official right then and there, but Brooke told him she needed more time to think it all through.

Kevin was patient over the next couple of weeks as Brooke continued to think over where to take things next. They continued to talk and make phone calls to catch up during that time. But on a hiking trip up to Blue Lakes in Ouray in August that summer, after more deep conversations, Brooke realized she knew deep in her soul that she loved this boy. It was an overwhelming sense of peace and pure love for him that she felt. They started officially dating a few weeks later on August 23, 2020!

The first year of their relationship was long distance with a 5.5 hour drive and mountain passes between them. But in September of 2021, Kevin left his land in Penrose and moved to be with Brooke in Grand Junction! They were so happy to no longer deal with the distance and gladly said goodbye to over a year full of goodbyes.

Kevin planned a proposal (with the help of their good friends Sam and Austin) at the top of their favorite Blue Lakes hike on October 15, 2022. It meant so much to Brooke to say “yes” to him at a place that held so much meaning for her. Brooke and Kevin are so so excited to seal the deal on June 1, 2024 and celebrate with all of their closest friends and family!